Other Important Sources

  1. "Environmental Remediation Liabilities," AICPA Statement of Position 96-1, October 10, 1996, pp.1-121.
  2. (Kreuze, Newell and Newell), "Environmental Disclosures: What Companies are Reporting," Management Accounting, July 1996, pp. 37-42.
  3. (Garcia, Munter, and Sacasas), "Accounting and Disclosure of Environmental Contingencies," The CPA Journal, January 1996, pp 36-37, 51-52.
  4. (Kirk and Siegel), "How Directors and Auditors Can Improve Corporate Governance," Journal of Accountancy, January 1996, pp.53-57.
  5. (Marsh and Johnson), "A Total Quality Management Approach to Environmental Auditing," Internal Auditing, Fall 1995, pp. 3-18.
  6. (Kintzele, Kintzele, and Kwiatkowski), "Environmental Liabilities Disclosesd in Corporate Annual Reports," Internal Auditing, Spring 1994, pp.21-25.
  7. (McGraw), "Deciding What to Disclose," U.S. News and World Report, November 1, 1993, p. 68.
  8. (Steven V. Senge), "Accounting for the Environment: An Analysis of Issues," The Ohio CPA Journal, February 1993, pp.33-41.
  9. (Surma and Vondra), Accounting for Environmnetal Costs: A Hazardous Subject," Journal of Accountancy, March 1992, pp.51-55.
  10. (Bergeson), "Audits, Accountability and the Greening of Corporations," Corporate Legal Times, July 1991, p.9.
  11. (Cahan, Crough, Yancey, Dominy, Condon, Sullivan), "Environmental Liabilities...Is Your Company At Risk ?," Arthur Andersen Environmental Contact Offices, pp.1-21.
  12. (Thomson, Simpson, and LeGrand), "Environmental Auditing," The Institute of Internal Auditors, pp. 121-130.
  13. "Module A, Compliance Audits," The Institute of Internal Auditors, pp.11-37.

Arsenic and Accounting