Economics In The Movies

The following is a list of the clips, the corresponding topic, the specific scene from the movie, and the running time of the scene. There is a high-speed version of each clip.

  1. The Family Man: High Speed Video
    Opportunity Cost
    scene: A New Job
    runtime: 2:52
  2. Out of Sight: High Speed Video
    Gains From Exchange
    scene: The Price is Going Up
    runtime: 1:25
  3. Seabiscuit: High Speed Video
    The Great Depression
    scene: The Stock Market Crash
    runtime: 1:30
  4. The Man Who Wasn't There: High Speed Video
    Growth and Prosperity
    scene: Dry Cleaning
    runtime: 1:42
  5. Waterworld: High Speed Video
    Money As A Medium of Exchange
    scene: Trading Dirt
    runtime: 2:05
  6. Reality Bites: High Speed Video
    scene: A Loan From Mom and Dad
    runtime: 1:11
  7. The Major And The Minor: High Speed Video
    scene: Getting The Half-Fare
    runtime: 3:05
  8. It's A Wonderful Life: High Speed Video
    Banking System
    scene: Saving the Building & Loan
    runtime: 3:39
  9. Traffic: High Speed Video
    Measuring Economic Performance
    scene: The Mexican Border
    runtime: 1:36
  10. Parenthood: High Speed Video
    scene: A Broken Promise
    runtime: 2:08

  11. The Fed Today (MPG download) | YouTube version
    runtime: 20:00
  12. Fed Chairman Game: High Speed Flash Video Game
    runtime: as long as it takes
  13. Mankiw's Presidential Game: High Speed Shockwave Video Game
    runtime: as long as it takes
  14. Site for Other Video Games
    runtime: as long as it takes
  15. Commanding Heights: Hyperinflation after WWI
    runtime: as long as it takes