Old Daily Assignments
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Below is a register of previous daily assignments
Date |
Assignments. Generally due the next day. |
July 19 |
1. Writing: (anonymous) List 5 things about this course
that you like and elaborate on them. List 5 things about
this course you would change if you could and elaborate on
them. (Due in class, Thursday, July 20) |
July 18 |
1. Writing: Instead of a prepared essay, your assignment
is to prepare for next week's reports by finding the titles
of the three NCTM journals
appropriate for classrooom teachers. |
July 17 |
0. Reminder: Copies of sample questions and a sample test
are available on the calendar located on the syllabus
page. |
July 13 |
1. Just a reminder that there was the writing assingment
made yesterday (on this site). You still have to do it even
though it wasn't announced in class. |
July 12 |
1. Make a ruler using a real-world unit. Use it to make
10 linear measurements of various attributes of various
objects. Estimate the measurements before finding them. All
measurements should be to the nearest unit. Turn in a table
reporting the object, attribute, estimates and measurements.
Attach your real-world unit. |
July 11 |
1. Write a summary of your knowledge of ratios, including
definitions as made in class. |
July 10 |
1.Write a mathematical autobiography. |