MATH 3303.001 -- Summer II, 2000

Unit Conversions

Unit conversions are made from one commonly used unit to the next larger or smaller commonly used unit. The conversions are made from a number that is to large of a whole number or is a fractional number. The result should be a more suitable number. Conversions are also made to compare measurements of two or more attributes of one or more objects.

Conversion Practice

Make unit conversions from the given values to an appropriate commonly used unit. In some cases, the units may already be appropriate.

  1. .8 cm =
  2. 240 cm =
  3. .65 km =
  4. 126,000 mm2 =
  5. .30 km2 =
  6. .15 ha =
  7. .53 m =
  8. 1400 ha =
  9. .63 cm2=
  10. 92 mm =
  11. .015 ha =
  12. .652 km3 =
  13. 6500 mm3 =
  14. .35 cm3 =
  15. 65 mm3 =
  16. .0000000056 km3
  17. .000000014 km2
  18. 145,000 cm2 =