After you've gathered all the information and sample documents from your contact person for the Career Writing Interview memorandum, decide on a what type of document that you can write related to your career area. This can include real information, or it can be a writing exercise from a textbook. For example, if you are interested in the area of Publication Relations, you can write a press release. There are as many different formats to choose from as there are individuals who do the jobs you are interested in, so choose one that is interesting to you and will give you practice writing the types of document that you may encounter in your career area.
Each document should be around 1-4 pages long. You should produce 2-4 pages in total writing emulated, meaning you may have to create two short documents. If you choose a document that has multiple sections, pages, choose a part of/a few pages of the document to create for your Career Related Document. Use the Checklist (see Checklist assignment) you developed as a guide for writing the document. But also be prepared to revise your checklist as you encounter different writing issues in preparing the document. Your contact for the Career Writing Interview may be a good source for this. Part of your grade for this aspect of the portfolio will be on how well you followed the rules you identified for writing in this profession.