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Portfolio Three
Introduction Memorandum
If you are working individually on Portfolio 3, you do not have to write an introduction memorandum. The Reflection Memo will contain your explanation and assessment of the project.
If you are working in a group, however, you must, as a group, write an Introduction Memorandum. The Intro Memo will serve as the group explanation and assessment of the project; the Reflection Memos will be the individual evaluations.
The Intro Memo should include the following sections:
Discuss the process the group went through to complete the project.
How were individual tasks assigned? What changes had to be made to the original
plans? How did you work with the contact person? There may be other issues of
process you wish to discuss; these are simply three example questions.
What are the strengths of the portfolio materials? In this section, concentrate
on analyzing & evaluating the materials themselves, not the process or individual
group members.
What are the weaknesses of the portfolio materials? In this section, concentrate
on analyzing & evaluating the materials themselves, not the process or individual
group members. If you had time to continue the project, to revise and make it
better, what would you do?
Assessment of Learning
What did the group learn by participating in this project? Be specific. What
did you learn about the organization, about service to the community, about
professional writing, etc.?