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Portfolio Three
Proposal Assignment
In addition to addressing a real need within an organization or agency, this
project must demonstrate planning, research, writing, and revising. Be sure
that this work is original and you are not reproducing work already done. While
proposals are often directed toward clients (and some of you may end up writing
a proposal for your project), this particular proposal is directed to the instructor.
However, the purpose of the proposal is the same--you are writing a persuasive
document to demonstrate that your project is worthwhile and should be approved.
You must have a contact person to be able to complete this proposal. The contact
person will be able to provide insights that will help you. Be sure to document
any information you obtain from any source.
Detail is absolutely necessary. In order for your project to be approved, you
must show through this proposal that you have done the appropriate research,
thought through potential problems, and have a clear plan of action to complete
the project. Do not skimp on any of the sections--remember that "concise"
does not necessarily mean "brief." Show that you have done careful
and thorough thinking/planning.
Although included as a part of your portfolio at the end of the term, your
proposal will be evaluated much earlier in the term (they are due March 29).
Your proposal must be approved before you can continue with the project.
Begin the memo by giving an overview of the project. Then
use the following as a guide to present specific details about the project.
I. Identification of the Organization
- Describe the organization, group, or agency. Describe the overall contribution
it makes or what function it provides in the community.
- Point to its philosophy or mission statement or key goals. Why does this
mission or its goals attract you?
- What specific programs does it promote?
- Who is your contact person within the organization? Include his or her name,
email address, and telephone number.
- Discuss meetings you have already had with this contact person. What are
his/her ideas, concerns, impressions, etc. about the project so far?
II. Need
- Explain the specific and real need of the group or organization. The need
must be documented. That is, someone must have identified it as a need or
your research must demonstrate that it is a need. You cannot merely say that
a need exists--prove it!
- Explain what your project will do to address this need. What documents will
you create? Why do you believe these materials will address the need?
- In addition to your initial plan, propose two other ways that this need
might be addressed. Why do you think these potential solutions are not as
viable as your own?
III. Audience
- Identify the audience(s) for the document. This may include the contact
person, but you should also identify all groups/individuals who may use the
- Is it a specialized audience or a general population? A specialized audience
may be new employees, the elderly, a business group, a school superintendent,
a process manager, a compliance manager, project owner, fraud investigator,
director of a fund raising operation, or fifth grade teachers at a rural elementary
school. A general audience may be the residents of Corpus Christi.
- How will this group benefit from your effort?
- What particular needs and expectations must you consider for this audience
as you produce your document? Please be specific. Think in terms of genre,
style, and content.
IV. Acquiring and Organizing Essential Information
- Where will you obtain your information? What kinds of research can you
do? interviews? a literature review? yearly reports? company websites? a survey?
What do you plan to learn from each type of source identified?
- If you plan to conduct a survey, explain what information this will yield
that you cannot obtain elsewhere. (See Tips
for Writing Effective Surveys.)
V. Students Involved and Distribution of Duties/Responsibilities
- If you are working by yourself, identify your responsibilities, listing
them in very specific and concrete terms.
- If you are part of a group, identify the members by name and list in very
specific and concrete terms the duties and responsibilities of each person
in this collaboration.
- Explain why each person has been given their particular responsibilities
(what are their qualifications).
- Describe any challenge(s) that the team members foresee and what measures
will promote success.
VI. Timeline
Provide key dates for completion of elements of project. This does NOT
mean course assignments only; it also means the responsibilities as identified
VII. Method of Presentation
Your work will be orally presented to the class. It may be presented to your
contact person orally or in other ways.
- How will you present your work to the contact person? How will the work
reach its intended audience, if the audience is other the contact person.
- What are some of the ways you might present your work to the class?
- What tools will be useful for your presentation?
Research the need and the organization to create this proposal. Ask your contact
person for help. Email or call me if you have questions.