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Portfolio Three
Each individual or group will present their project orally during the last three days of class. If you wish, you may invite your contact person to attend this presentation. While we will keep these presentations relatively informal (you don't have to dress up), there is an expectation that you will be professional, prepared, and organized.
Two options:
The following explains the time requirements, based on the size of the group.
These time limits will be enforced strictly.
If in a group, each person in the group must participate actively in the presentation. Order of presentations will be determined by random drawing on Thursday, April 19.
Each presentation must include a visual element. This does not necessarily mean
you have to use Powerpoint, although that is an option. A handout is fine, as
is reference to a web site or other form of document. If you created a document
(such as a brochure) for your client, the document itself would be an appropriate
supplement to your talk.
While not a required element, the most interesting presentations will be interactive,
will invite the audience to do something or say something in the course of the