Portfolio Planning Memorandum
This assignment asks you to write a memo (in proper memo format, please!) explaining your plans for the three main course projects. This is a preliminary plan; you will change and revise your ideas as you progress throughout the course. The idea is to think ahead, to begin clarifying and developing your ideas about the projects. Be as detailed as possible. You may not know for sure about some of your answers to the following questions. But "I don't know" is NOT an acceptable answer. You must speculate, think through the possibilities.
Although your plans will change, you will not have to revise the PPM once it has been accepted and graded. The changes will be reflected in the projects themselves.
Discussion of Portfolios
End Results
Discuss what you hope to accomplish as a writing during this term. Focus on specific workplace writing skills
(Optional) Write any other information that you would like me to know.