Try Educational Novels for Teaching and Learning
An Innovative Pedagogy
Educational novels can be used in university and college classes to present technical information which facilitates learning and infuses student enthusiasm. A form of the scenario principle, this teaching device is simple to implement and has produced positive feedback from both students and educators who have used them.
- Dangerous Hoops: A Forensic Marketing Action Adventure, 2011, LSU Press, 3990 West Lakeshore Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70808, 225.578.6294; FAX 225.578.6461, 1.800.848.6224.
- Big R: A Forensic Accounting Action Adventure (forensic auditing), Carolina Academic Press, 700 Kent Street, Durham, NC 27701.
- Trap Doors and Trojan Horses (auditing), Carolina Academic Press, 700 Kent Street, Durham, NC 27701.
- Deadly Art Puzzle: Accounting for Murder (advanced accounting), Carolina Academic Press, 700 Kent Street, Durham, NC 27701.
- Simon the Incredible (finance), Thomson Corp., 800-355-9983; Fax 800-487-8488; In Europe, Tel: 44-207-0672500 (UK).
- The Bottom Line is Betrayal (general business), Carolina Academic Press, 700 Kent Street, Durham, NC 27701.
- Costly Reflections in a Midas Mirror (cost/managerial accounting), Carolina Academic Press, 700 Kent Street, Durham, NC 27701.
- Accosting the Golden Spire (basic accounting), Carolina Academic Press, 700 Kent Street, Durham, NC 27701; E-mail:
- The Ultimate Rip-off: A Taxing Tale (taxation), Carolina Academic Press, 700 Kent Street, Durham, NC 27701.
- Computer Encryptions in Whispering Caves (accounting information systems), Cengage Corporation, E-mail:
- Chemistry in Whispering Caves (chemistry), Thomson Corp., 800-355-9983; Fax 800-487-8488; In Europe, Tel: 44-207-0672500 (UK), 1998.
- Nonprofit Sleuths: Follow the Money (governmental accounting), Thomson Corp., 800-355-9983; Fax 800-487-8488; In Europe, Tel: 44-207-0672500 (UK), 1997.
- Greenspan, Burmese Caper (finance), 2 Many Books, 6001 Thoroughbred Lane. College Station, Texas, 77845; Tel: (979) 696 - 1245; E-mail:
Your questions and comments are welcome.