Some Humor About Student Evaluations

"A Quick Guide to Understanding Student Evaluations"
by Craig Bowman, Ph.D.


Comment: The course was a disappointment to me.
Interpretation: They told me this was an easy course.

C: The book was difficult to read.
I: The book needed more cartoons.
C: Assignments were too long for those of us with outside jobs.
I: I didn't have time to waste doing assignments because I'm vitally needed at work; the French fryer keeps breaking down.
C: You are the best instructor I've ever had.
I: I missed an A by one point and I was hoping...
C: The lectures were highly structured.
I: Thanks for spelling those hard words on the board for us.
C: The tests were too hard.
I: Nobody told me I had to study to pass.
C: The tests were too easy.
I: ... for someone with MY superior ability.
C: I learned a lot.
I: I missed a B by one point and I was hoping...
C: You did a marvelous job of presenting many contrasting theories and ideas.
I: Thank God you didn't drone on and on about your own stupid research.
C: Assignments were not graded fairly.
I: Since this wasn't an English course, I don't think it was fair to take off marks for spelling.
C: I wish I had done better in your course.
I: Boy! Are Mom and Dad gonna freak when they see this grade!
C: I was not motivated to do my best.
I: Clearly it is YOUR fault I'm flunking.
C: The instructor needs to add humor to his lectures.
I: Not one sex or drug joke the whole time!
C: You should encourage more classroom participation.
I: Just what is so wrong about talking to my friends during your lecture?
C: My grade does not reflect what I have learned in this course.
I: I missed a passing grade by one point and I was hoping...

From the book Primal Whimper: More Readings From the Journal of Polymorphous Perversity, edited by Glenn C. Ellenbogen, Ph.D.


Society for a Return to Academic Standards

Obstacles and Hope

Last Updated: 19 February 1997