Steps To Do

1. Fight the use of SET data for control purposes by administrators.

2. If SET data is collected, the results should only be given to the instructor.

3. Encourage the use of nonanonymous SET questionnaires. There are due process/defamation issues when anonymous and often libelous questionnaires are used.

4. Refuse to distribute anonymous SET questionnaires in your classroom unless the results are returned only to you.

5. Work to stop the publication of SET results for student consumption.

6. Work to stop the publication of grade point average data of each instructor for student consumption.

7. Encourage a movement back to teaching students rather than merely entertaining them (i.e., inflate coverage in the classroom and deflate grades to adequately educate and evaluate students).

8. Support a deflation in our grading system. Instructors must be allowed to grade students on the bell shaped curve. There is no universal right that a student must pass a course.

9. Support research to determine the better ways to teach students to facilitate learning.

10. Support research to determine ways to determine the better teachers (i.e., how do we measure learning?).

11. Ask your administrators to provide a written definition of an "effective teacher."

12. Ask your administrators to prove that your SET questionnaire is valid and not vice versa. You do not have to prove it is invalid. See Field v. Clark University, 817 F.2d 931 (CA-1 1987).

13. Send appropriate copies of this material to all members of your faculty. Level the playing field by informing all teachers of the dysfunctional aspects of SET data.

14. Place a "hot button or link" on your homepage to the Society's page. Consider developing an affiliated chapter on your campus. See the Little Rock Chapter.

15. Send any email messages to: Dr. Larry Crumbley

16. Send related articles, speeches, and examples of grade inflation, lack of due process and suggestions to the Society for A Return to Academic Standards. Need hard copy plus computer disk for publication. 

"Fight for Education Results, not Student Satisfaction"
-D. Larry Crumbley


Society for A Return to Academic Standards

Public Higher Education and Productivity


Last Updated: 26 April 1998