Suggested Faculty Senate Proposals

If your institution has a faculty governing body (i.e., faculty senate), try to have these proposals passed:

  1. Prohibit the use of SET data for control purposes.
  2. Prohibit the release of SET data to the public, including students.
  3. Prohibit the release of grade point average (GPA) data to the public, including students.
  4. Average class grades shall be put next to a student's grades on transcripts.

  • A university-wide grievance or arbitration committee should be established to handle disputes and conflicts between administrators and faculty members involving the SET control system.
  • All administrators (deans, department heads, etc.) shall be evaluated by a scrantron procedure at least once a year. The questionnaire shall be developed by faculty members.
  • The results of these evaluations shall be released in a similar fashion as faculty evaluation data.

  1. The Faculty Senate members shall be limited to faculty who are not administrators. A faculty Senator shall resign once his/her term of administration begins.

  • The name of the Faculty Senate shall be changed to The Faculty/Administrators Senate.
  • Ad hoc committees and regular committees handling matters which involve conflicts between faculty and administrators shall be composed of only faculty senators.
  • A system of accountability based upon student performance should be adopted. A state examination must be passed by a student before he/she can graduate from a college or university.



Be careful because administrators may try to pack any committees to which these proposals are sent. At Texas A&M the SET proposal was sent to an ad hoc committee which 7 of 8 members were administrators or students.
Biased and incomplete information was then sent to the full senate.
Be sure a record is kept of the voting for and against these proposals.

"When you have them by their SET scores, their hearts, minds and deflation of teaching will follow."
Larry Crumbley


Society for a Return to Academic Standards

More Ammunition 

Last Updated: 14 November 1996