A.1 Equations of a Line

A.2 Condition for Two Lines to Be Perpendicular

A.3 Condition for Two Lines to Be Parallel

A.4 Angle be tween Two Lines

A.5 Point Colinear with Other Two at a Prescribed Location

A.6 Condition for a Point Colinear with Other Two to Be Located between Them

A.7 Distance from a Point to a Line

A.8 Orientation of a Triangular Loop

A.9 Area of a Triangle

A.10 Condition of Three Points to Be Colinear

A.11 Circle Circumscribed to Three Points

A.12 Intersection between a Circle and a Line

A.13 Tangent from a Point to a Circle

A.14 Tangent of a Given Slope to a Circle

A.15 Parabola through Three Points

A.16 Cubic Parabola through Four Points

A.17 Tangent of a Given Slope to a Parabola

A.18 Tangent from a Point to a Parabola

A.19 Intersection between a Circle and a Parabola

A.20 Common Tangent to a Parabola and a Circle

A.21 Common Tangent to Two Circles

A.22 Translations and Rotations in 2D

A.23 Translations and Rotations in 3D

A.24 Numerical Differentiation A.25 Newton-Raphson Method for Root Finding

A.26 Area under a Curve Using Trapezoidal Rule

A.27 Euler Integration of First-Order Ordinary Differential Equations

A.28 Solutions of Two and Three Linear Equations

A.29 Trigonometric Identities