2.1 How D_3D Works?
2.2 D_3D Input Data Structure
2.3 Mesh Plots and the Visibility Problem
2.4 Node and Stem Plots
2.5 Equally Spaced Level-Curve Plots
2.6 Defect-Free Level-Curve Plots
2.7 Logarithmically Spaced LevelCurves
2.8 File Export and DXF Layer Organization
2.9 Axes Reversal and Plot Rotation
2.10 Gradient Plots
2.11 Truncated 3D Surface Representations
2.12 Constrained Functions and Inequality Plots
2.13 Color-Rendered Plots
2.14 Plotting MultipleSurfaces on the Same Graph
2.15 Implementati on Details of the D_3D Program
References and Further Readings