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Assignments |
M: Section A.1--all odd problems, |
M: no assignment |
M: 1.6:
1-10,16-17,23-24,31,36,37,39,47-48,53-54,56,69 |
M: 2.4: 1-4,7-8,12-13,15-16,22-23,27-28,
36-37,43-44,53,57,73 |
M: 1.3 (Yes, back to chapter 1):
23,11-12,19-20,24-25,29-30,35-36,51-58,63-64,72-73,75-76 |
4.1: 21-22, 37-38, 44-45, 49-50 |
1.5: 1-2,7-10,61-62 |
1.7: 1-2, 11-12,15-16,45-48,53-54 |
A.3: 1-15 (odd), 21-37 (odd), 49,51 |
No assignment made |
3.5: 1-6,11-12,21-26,49-50 |
5.3: 3-6, 9-10,24-25,46-47, 75-76,91 |
6.1: 1-4, 14-15 |
6.3: 1-4,7,8,15,16,31,39 |
7.2: 1-2,5-6,11-16,29-30 |