Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi / Dept. of Computing and
Mathematical Sciences
MATH 2305 §002 -- Discrete Mathematics I -- Spring
Chapter 5 Study Questions
Section 5.1 Graphs and Their Representations-- Name:
- A graph is just a set of points.
- An arc in a graph is determined by the two nodes it connects.
- Hasse diagrams (graphical representations of partially ordered sets) are
- The graph K_4 (Example 8) has 4 vertices and 4 edges.
- Every acyclic graph is simple.
- Two graphs can be isomorphic if one graph is connected and the other is
- Graphs can only be represented by diagrams.
Section 5.2 Trees and Their Representations -- Name:
- Trees have roots.
- Trees were used to solve counting problems in Chapter 3.
- Every node in a tree has the same number of branches.
- For a binary tree, postorder traversal is left, right, root.
- Postfix notation is called reverse Polish notation.
- Trees have more arcs than nodes.
Section 5.3 Decision Trees -- Name:
- In a decision tree, arcs represent actions and nodes are the outcomes.
- A sequential search of an n item list may require log n steps.
- A binary search tree is always short and wide (balanced) rather than tall
and skinny.
- Trees can be used for sorting as well as searching.
- Sorting a 3 item list by pairwise comparisions requires three steps.