Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
Dept. of Computing and Mathematical Sciences

MATH 2305 §002
Discrete Mathematics I
Spring 2003


  • Meeting Time & Place:
    • Lecture: CS 103, TR, 2:00 to 3:15 PM
  • Instructor: Dr. George D. Tintera
  • Office: Center for Instruction 303 (CI 303)
  • Office Hours: M: 4:30 to 5:30 PM; TR 1 to 2 PM
    Appointments also available. Office hours subject to meetings related to other duties on campus. They may change during the semester.
  • Phone: (361) 825-6028, FAX: (361) 825-2795
  • Internet: tintera@falcon.tamucc.edu
  • Class Website: http://www.tamucc.edu/~tintera/sp03/2305



An introductory course covering sets, relations, functions (including Big-O), Boolean algebra, counting techniques, elementary graph theory, induction, recursive relations and elementary propositional and predicate logic. There will be an emphasis on mathematical and computer science applications for these concepts.


MATH 1314 (College Algebra) and MATH 1316 (Trigonometry), or MATH 2312, or placement beyond MATH 2312.


Mathematical Structures for Computer Science by Gersting, 5th edition, Computer Science Press.


There are general and content objectives.


By the end of the course

  • The student will link mathematical concepts to real world situations.
  • The student will strengthen his general academic skills in critical thinking and writing.
  • The student will improve his ability to translate a word problem into a math statement, and back again to words.
  • The student will improve the ability to form reasonable descriptions and judgments based on quantitative information
  • The student will develop a broad-base of discrete mathematics concepts knowledge including concepts, basic skills, mathematical senses (quantitative, symbolic), and thinking process (problem-solving, predicting, generalizing)


At the end of the course the student should be able to:

  • Use the basic rules of logic to justify arguments. These include arguments by negation, contrapositive, direct, contradiction, and counter examples.
  • Use graph theoretical arguments in the solutions of problems.
  • Distinguish and use properly the different counting techniques learned in class.
  • Define sequences recursively and determine their closed form.
  • Solve problems using the concept of relations and functions combined with counting techniques.
  • Interpret situations using strings together with the counting techniques.


The class uses lecture format encouraging class discussion. Students are expected to read the text before class as directed and be prepared to participate in the class. Other work outside class includes completing homework and general study of the material.


Course grades will be based on homework (15%), group/daily work (10%), Project (10%), Tests (60%, 3@15% each) and a final exam (20%). A weighted average of at least 90% earns an A, 80% earns a B, 70% earns a C, 60% earns a D. Less than 60% earns an F.

Homework: Homework will be assigned at each class meeting that we cover new material. There are two types of homework problems assigned. Problems of the first type are due at the start of the next class. They should be written neatly with a complete statement of the problem and show all work done to get the answers. Some problems are starred, indicating that solutions are printed in the back of the book. No credit will be given for simply duplicating that solution. Papers will be graded for completion.

Problems of the second type are to be presented to the class. Students should present one problem per chapter with problems assigned by first-come, first served. Problems must be completed before the test on the chapter they come from. Students will write the solution on the board or a transparency within the first 5 minutes of a class. A presenter must respond to questions from fellow students or the instructor. Solutions will be graded by the class.

Group and Daily Work: Some of the time spent in class will be in groups. The purpose of the groups is to increase your active participation in the class. You will be interacting with your group members, working on assignments, and so on. Your participation and production will be noted and recorded. Participating in this activity is part of your daily work.

To prepare for class, students must read the section ahead of time. Study questions are available for each section or portion of a section to be covered. They are due at the start of class on the day they are to be covered. We may experiment with an online version of study questions as the semester progresses.

Project: The project will require you to to apply the techniques you have learned in class to problems from the book not covered in class. A detailed description with grading criteria will be available later in the semester.

Final Exam: The final exam will be comprehensive. It will be held on Thursday, May 8 from 2 to 4:30 PM. You will be allowed to use a single sheet of handwritten notes for the final. PLAN TO BE THERE.

Tests: There will be 3 tests over the course of the semester. Questions in the tests will be similar to those in the homework. You will be allowed to use a single sheet of handwritten notes for a portion of each test.



Attendance: I take attendance to check for registration snafus and to learn your names, and will pass around a roll sheet after the first week or so. Attendance may be taken by work done and turned in in class. If you miss any in-class work, you will not be allowed to make it up. If you miss a test or final without prior permission or a verifiable medical excuse, you will receive a 0 for that test or final. If you do have an excused absence, you must submit a written claim (e-mail is OK) to that effect. Do not assume that I have acknowledged your excuse until you have your claim returned with my approval.

Late Homework: Late homework will not be accepted. It will receive a score of zero unless an excused absence is granted.

Registration: Should you find yourself in the situation where you are considering dropping the course, you are highly encouraged to discuss this matter with the instructor. The last day to drop the course is Friday, March 28.