Quandl’s data coverage is now 7.8 million datasets.
Latest data sources
- ALFRED: 10,000 vintage economic datasets from the Federal Reserve’s archival site.
- Commodity Futures Trading Commission: Over 8,000 datasets with commitment of traders information, for futures and options, both new and legacy formats.
- PsychSignal: Bullish/bearish sentiment index and volume ratios for 6,000+ stocks.
- Penn World Table 8.0: 5,000 datasets from the latest Penn World Table (version 8.0).
- US Treasury: Marketable debt statistics, including average maturity of issuance.
- FDIC: Banking statistics including assets, liabilities, failures and deposit insurance.
- Center for Applied Studies on Applied Economics: Brazilian agricultural price indexes.
- London Platinum and Palladium Market: Platinum and Palladium prices.
- Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia: Philly Fed’s new GDP+ indicator.
- Swiss Exchange: EOD data for over 250 stocks.
- Stock Exchange of Thailand: 6 market indexes.
- Liv-ex: Fine wine price indexes.
- Beta Arbitrage: Minimum variance portfolios and beta portfolios.
- International Securities Exchange: ISE sentiment indexes for equities and ETFs.
- Renaissance Capital: Monthly US IPO statistics.
- Osaka University: Japanese equity volatility indexes.
- Nikkei: 15 daily indexes published by the Nikkei group.
- UK Office for Budget Responsibility: Economic indicator forecasts up to 2063.
- Federal Reserve Economic Data: Added 1000s of new indicators from FRED.
- Wall Street Journal: Over 100 commodity spot prices added.
- Bureau of Labor Statistics: In progress, currently over 180,000 datasets imported.
New: Futures page with many more contracts and exchanges.
New: API resources page with downloadable dataset codes; Data requests page.
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financial, economic, and social datasets
eg: “wti crude oil price“, “5Y swap rate“, “us crime rate“
Browse pages curated by Quandl contributors.
Commodities | Spot and futures prices for 70+ commodities and 10+ commodity indexes from around the world. |
Futures | 60+ contracts from 10+ exchanges, with prices, commitments, historical and continuous contract data. |
Currencies | Exchange rates versus the US Dollar for 200+ currencies. |
Bitcoin | Exchange rates, number in circulation, market capitalization and transaction statistics for Bitcoin. |
Cross Rates | FX cross rates for 10 major currencies. |
US Stocks | Index of 15,000+ North American stocks. |
US Sectors | 60+ sectoral indexes for the United States. |
US Rates | 90+ key interest rates for the United States. |
China Markets | Stocks, bonds, money supply, interest and exchange rates for China. |
World Markets | 25 global stock indexes, 20 commodities, 20 interest rates, and 20 foreign exchange rates. |
World Stocks | 85+ global stock market indexes representing 60+ stock exchanges, from Amman to Zagreb. |
More | Index of all Markets topic pages on Quandl. |