Home » Quandl Database Update for November

Quandl Database Update for November


Quandl’s data coverage is now 7.8 million datasets.


Latest data sources

New: Futures page with many more contracts and exchanges.

New: API resources page with downloadable dataset codes; Data requests page.




Search over 7,000,000 
financial, economic, and social datasets



eg: “wti crude oil price“, “5Y swap rate“, “us crime rate 

Browse pages curated by Quandl contributors.

Commodities Spot and futures prices for 70+ commodities and 10+ commodity indexes from around the world.
Futures 60+ contracts from 10+ exchanges, with prices, commitments, historical and continuous contract data.
Currencies Exchange rates versus the US Dollar for 200+ currencies.
Bitcoin Exchange rates, number in circulation, market capitalization and transaction statistics for Bitcoin.
Cross Rates FX cross rates for 10 major currencies.
US Stocks Index of 15,000+ North American stocks.
US Sectors 60+ sectoral indexes for the United States.
US Rates 90+ key interest rates for the United States.
China Markets Stocks, bonds, money supply, interest and exchange rates for China.
World Markets 25 global stock indexes, 20 commodities, 20 interest rates, and 20 foreign exchange rates.
World Stocks 85+ global stock market indexes representing 60+ stock exchanges, from Amman to Zagreb.
More Index of all Markets topic pages on Quandl.