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Category Archives: Swint Friday’s Articles

Smart finances with a smart phone

By Swint Friday

Source: Caller Times.

CORPUS CHRISTI — I have enlisted my smartphone in my ongoing battle against the bulge. There are applications to log calories and websites to search calorie counts for any meal from major restaurant chains to home cooked fare. I am always amazed at the massive number of calories contained in most every menu item at the most popular chains. It is no wonder we are having such a hard time controlling our ever growing waistlines. (more…)

Is marriage worth it financially?

By Swint Friday

Source: Caller Times

CORPUS CHRISTI — Recently, while traveling I watched WE TV’s show, “Rich Bride, Poor Bride” a program similar to their infamous “Bridezillas” with less drama and obnoxious behavior. One thing these shows along with many weddings that I have participated in reveal is that Americans have lost their financial minds. These popular programs show families squandering small fortunes on self-indulgent and self-centered relationships. (more…)