Home » General Business and Financial Databases-TAMUCC

General Business and Financial Databases-TAMUCC

General Business Database

  • ABI/Inform Global    
    Both National and International titles with coverage of business and economic conditions, management techniques, theory, and practice of business, advertising, marketing, economics, human resources, finance, taxation and computers. Access to information on 60,000 companies including business and executive profiles in full text, page image, or Text+Graphics format.
  • Business Searching Interface (Business Source Complete)      
    Indexing and full text for scholarly business journals, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. Searchable cited references and detailed author profiles. Contains financial data, books, monographs, major reference works, case studies, industry and market reports, company profiles, SWOT analyses and more.
    Unlimited simultaneous users.
    1886 to present.
    Daily content updates.
  • LexisNexis Academic    
    A comprehensive full-text database covering news, legal research (which includes state and national statutory and case law), reference, medical and business information. Also includes Congressional and statistical information.
  • IBIS World (New!!!)
  • IBISWorld provides thoroughly researched, accurate and current business information for researchers of economic, demographic and government data.Modules available: US Industry Reports (NAICS)US Specialized Industry Reports
  • China Industry Reports

           World Bank Open Data: free and open access to data about development in countries around the globe.

The IMF publishes a range of time series data on IMF lending, exchange rates and other economic and financial indicators. Manuals, guides, and other material on  statistical                  practices at the IMF, in member countries, and of the statistical community at large are also available.

  • Wharton Research Data Services  
    Wharton Research Data Services is a Internet-based business data service from The Wharton School. It taps the most comprehensive sources of financial, accounting, economic, management, marketing, banking, and insurance data, giving users the business intelligence they need.
  • WRDS E-Learning

             (Click on the link to learn more about WRDS Database)

         Current Subscriptions from WRDS

  1. AuditAnalytics
  2. Bank Regulatory
  3. Blockholders
  4. CBOE Indexes
  6. COMPUSTAT Trial
  7. CRSP Stocks and Mutual Funds 

(Click here to view Survivor-Bias-Free US Mutual Fund Guide )

  1. CUSIP
  2. DMEF Academic Data
  3. Dow Jones
  4. FDIC
  5. Fama French & Liquidity Factors
  6. Federal Reserve Bank
  7. Markit Trial
  8. PHLX
  9. Penn World Tables
  10. SEC Order Execution
  11. TRACE
  12. Zacks Trial
  13. Others
  • Academic Search Complete  
       Comprehensive, scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database which features journal articles, but includes monographs, reports, and conference proceedings. Subjects covered include: area studies, astronomy, biology, chemistry, engineering, ethnic & cultural studies, general science, geography, geology, mathematics, music, physics, psychology, theology, women’s studies and other fields.

Four segments of information: Country Profiles, Reports, Country data/market indicators & forecasts and the Economist.com

Financial and Accounting Database

Access to Financial and Accounting Statements, Stock Information, Industry Profiles, Company Profiles

Additional datasets such as distribution, pricing, products by ingredient, etc., will now be present within GMID.  In addition to those datasets, there will also be industry specific datasets, such as on-trade vs. off-trade statistics as well.

  • Mergent Online    
    Offers a variety of investment research tools, including access to information on over 10,000 public companies, as well as access to SEC filings, annual reports, and research reports from brokerages and independent research firms.
    Unlimited simultaneous users allowed.
    Content is updated irregularly.
  • NetAdvantage S & P  
    Provides a range information gathering tools relating to both industries and companies including, in most cases 15 years worth of Profiles, Bonds, Stocks, Compustat Financials, SEC filings, Annual Reports and more.
  • Value Line Investment Survey 
    Business and company analyses provided by 70 independent professional security analysts. Includes analysts reports, projections, descriptions, financial data, rankings, ratios and stock reports.
    Unlimited simultaneous users allowed.
    Content is updated irregularly.
  • GMID Passport    
    Contains demographic, economic and marketing statistics on over 200 countries, including historical and forecast data. Lifestyle indicators such as disposable income, consumer expenditure trends, eating and drinking habits, home ownership statistics and health data. In-depth analysis for consumer, industrial and service sectors. 1977 to present
    Unlimited simultaneous users allowed.
    Content is updated annually.
  • Checkpoint  
    Access includes tax and financial research content:editorial, news, primary source material,and legislation. Includes remote access for 35 concurrent users.

Quandl Databases

Commodities Spot and futures prices for 70+ commodities and 10+ commodity indexes from around the world.
Futures 60+ contracts from 10+ exchanges, with prices, commitments, historical and continuous contract data.
Currencies Exchange rates versus the US Dollar for 200+ currencies.
Bitcoin Exchange rates, number in circulation, market capitalization and transaction statistics for Bitcoin.
Cross Rates FX cross rates for 10 major currencies.
US Stocks Index of 15,000+ North American stocks.
US Sectors 60+ sectoral indexes for the United States.
US Rates 90+ key interest rates for the United States.
China Markets Stocks, bonds, money supply, interest and exchange rates for China.
World Markets 25 global stock indexes, 20 commodities, 20 interest rates, and 20 foreign exchange rates.
World Stocks 85+ global stock market indexes representing 60+ stock exchanges, from Amman to Zagreb.
More Index of all Markets topic pages on Quandl.